Cim's Lair

Pre-Patch for TWW

11:00pm 7/29

Ahhh the TWW Pre Patch event kicks off in about 12 hours my time. Should be interesting, cant wait to gear some alts and see what other nonsense is broken before the expansion launches. I always love the hype around a new expansion launch along with all the fun that comes with it.

11ish am 7/30

As of playing the event, its ok. Too long of a timer rn, they should have had it at 60 to start and gone down to like 15 instead of 90, then 60, then 30 in the last week. Oh well, still cant wait for tww. I wonder if that apple keynote picture was right and well have WoW on iPad later this year.

1:50pm 7/30

waiting on the next one to start and damn why the hell is the gear so expensive??? 5k? each quest complete is like 1.2k crazy, and farming the mobs is so not worth it. Guess we'll see next week once it goes down to an hr.

6:03pm 7/30

Yeah pretty soured on the event. What I thought was a daily quest i actually weekly which is insane and the gear is expensive and not super worth it. I thought it'd be something similar to last time where we had gear we could buy and it was an easy way to gear alts and have a chill time but these timers are insane. 90 minutes is absolutely nuts for a timer like this when the event takes less than 10 minutes.